Had the great pleasure of working on the latest film shoot in Boyle, Co. Roscommon produced by Hill Sixteen Features. The story is based on true events which took place in the West of Ireland in the early 1980's and was written & directed by Ciaran Creagh (Parked, In View, The Note). As boom operator I was part of the sound crew working with Mariana Soto with Stefan joining us in week two. Both were great and passed on some great tips for working with audio.
During the second week as I had a little more time I was asked to take some stills for the production, which unfortunately can't be viewed at this time, but will be made available at a later date when the film is ready for marketing. However, above & below are a couple of images showing the lengths the crew go to to make the film look good. In this instance keeping one of the cars dry for a continuity shot from the previous day - when it didn't rain.

I had a wonderful experience and met some really great people who know how to pull together to bring a film to completion and look forward to seeing the end result.