Came across this very exciting new website OnEdgeStreet which, as the name suggests, explores the cutting edge of street photography. They are working on new and challenging content for the site over the coming months and want people who are interested to get involved.
They already have a list of 35 photographers and by the looks of the images all appear to be very talented. From the likes of the New York born Greek, Angie Pappas Constable who only started using the camera to record all the differences she saw around her when she moved to Dublin in 2010 to the the undergaraduate of business administration, Sohail Bin Mohammad, who is only taking photos for over a year.
They also feature a Pic of the Month which showcases some great street photography from around the world and well worth a look. As Robert Mapplethorpe said you can learn more about photography by looking at as many photographs as possible, so for anyone interested in learning more from good street photography then this site is definitely a place to go and, if you want more why not contact them.